Is It Easy Being an Air Traffic Controller

Air traffic controllers (ATC) are vital to the success of airplanes. Without them, planes could collide and terrible things will happen. Thinking about a career as an ATC? If you are, you should know the pros and cons of being an air traffic controller.

That way, you know exactly what you're getting yourself into. This article will help you do just that.

To begin, let's look at a summary of the pros and cons of being an air traffic controller.

Summary of the Pros and Cons of Being an Air Traffic Controller

Pros of being an Air Traffic Controller Cons of being an Air Traffic Controller
Good pay Requires extreme care
Career Growth is Possible Shifts can be brutal and unpredictable
Fulfilling Job No chance of remote work
Airline Discount Possibilities Terrible work-life balance
Early Retirement is Possible Stressful
Air Traffic Controllers are in demand worldwide Sedentary Lifestyle

Pros of Becoming an Air Traffic Controller

1. Great Pay

One of the biggest bonuses of being an air traffic controller is the pay. While it depends on where you live, the pay competes with the big boys on the career ladder.

Here's the average pay for air traffic controllers in the US, UK, Canada, and Australia.

Countries Average Salaries of Air Traffic Controllers
United States $120,830
Australia AUD 96,101
Canada C$76,717
United Kingdom £41,253

While these are the average, experienced air traffic controllers will earn significantly more. However, entry-level salaries will be lower than the average.

2. Career Growth is Possible

Air traffic controllers have a path for growth. Most ATCs can grow to become seniors in their careers. This comes with more respect and higher pay.

You also become sought after in this industry. If career opportunities and growth are mightily important to you, then this is a good career option.

3. Fulfilling Career Path

Being an air traffic controller is a very fulfilling job. You get to help thousands of planes land each year. That means saving hundreds of thousands of lives each year.

You are also highly valued and seen as an important piece of what goes on at the airport. It can be a fulfilling career path. You have a sense of purpose.

That's never a bad thing.

4. Airline Discount Possibilities

If you are big on traveling, then you'll love this next benefit. As an air traffic controller, you get the chance to get significant discounts on using airlines.

This is done through a program called the "Flight Deck Training". In some situations, some airlines even allow air traffic controllers to ride for free.

No matter the situation, being able to get on an airline for a reduced price is always a bonus.

5. Early Retirement

As earlier stated, air traffic controllers earn well. The implication of this is that they can choose to retire early.

So, it's not a surprise to see most air traffic controllers calling it quits at 50 years. They have everything they want.

When it comes to early retirements, it's a great time to be an air traffic controller. If this appeals to you, give it a shot.

6. Shortage of Air Traffic Controller Worldwide

Wondering if this career path was competitive? Well, it's not, at least not globally. According to Airport Technology, there's a 10-15% demand for air traffic controllers globally.

So, you can always get a job. While this is true, it might also be wise to check the job demand in your location.

As you'll soon realize, that can play a major role.

Cons of Becoming an Air Traffic Controller

1. Requires Extreme Care

As an air traffic controller, there's so much at stake. Thus, it requires extreme care. One mistake and hundreds of lives can be lost.

In some cases, air traffic controllers can go to jail for their negligence. So, there's a lot of pressure around this job.

Judging by the very few air accidents that happen each year, you should have little to worry about.

2. Unpredictable Brutal Hours

The hours can be brutal. It can also be long. However, that's not the problem. The problem is the unpredictability of those hours.

You get to go to work at different times for different shifts. There's no pattern to how work is done.

This can be hard to adjust to. Your body and health will take a hit as a result.

The only consolation here is that there's not a lot of physical activities needed for this job. It's more of brainpower.

3. No Chance of Remote Work

This is obvious. Your job is in the tower at the airport. You sure cannot take it anywhere else. That is the place where all the tools for getting the job done are kept.

So, there's no chance of remote jobs or flexible schedules. Not even the pandemic was able to change that.

So, if you want to work as an air traffic controller, you have to get used to that.

4. Terrible Work-Life Balance

While the hours might not be too long, the unpredictable nature of it can hurt your work-life balance. If you have a family, you might not be able to see them as much as you like especially if you work odd hours.

Setting up and attending social events might also be harder. It's just more difficult to get your life moving the way you want.

You probably now understand why most air traffic controllers retire early.

5. Stressful

Being an air traffic controller can take a toll on you. There's just so much you're battling with. You have to keep your concentration levels on at odd hours during work.

You also have this thought in your head that one mistake can lead to death. Then, you have to contend with finding the balancing act between family and work.

That can be overwhelming, to say the least.

6. Sedentary Lifestyle

Finally, you run the risk of living a sedentary lifestyle. Think about it. All you do is sit at the top and make sure everything is going fine.

While it's a good thing that being an air traffic controller is not a physical job, that can come back to haunt you.

To combat this problem, make sure you take short walks in between breaks. That way, you get the chance to stretch those muscles.

Should You Become an Air Traffic Controller?

So, here are the pros and cons of being an air traffic controller! Should you become one? That is entirely up to you. Consider your passion and the pros and cons of being one. Then, make up your mind.

We trust you'll make the right call.


Ejike Umesi is the founder of the Umesi Group. He is a lawyer, entrepreneur and is obsessed with psychology. When he's not creating new projects, he can be found reading more about the enneagrams.


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